Time to Renew

AIANTA’s proprietary “Bird Singer” thumb drive.
Through the collective efforts of the tribal tourism industry, AIANTA has seen international visitation to indigenous communities nearly triple in the past decade.
We are at the forefront of a new movement, one where travelers skip the cookie cutter destinations in favor of more in-depth, authentic cultural heritage tourism experiences.
In addition to providing the education, technical assistance and training requested by our tourism industry partners, AIANTA works closely with international and domestic tour operators, travel agents and travel media to provide inspiration on how visitors can best experience Indian Country.
But none of our efforts would be possible without the support of our federal, regional, local, non-profit, individual and tribal partners.
We are especially grateful for contributions of the individuals and organizations who continue to support AIANTA, especially in turbulent times.
Your membership allows AIANTA to provide its robust annual programming and outreach.
Any new member joining us by January 31, 2023, will receive one of AIANTA’s proprietary Bird Singer thumb drives.
Member Renewal
If you are already a member, you may renew your membership for 2023 by January 31, 2023 to receive the thumb drive. If you are a new member who has joined within the past 12 months, we can prorate your renewal for the remainder of 2022.
But please hurry.
We’ve only ordered a limited supply of these cute little thumb drives and they will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
About the Artists
AIANTA’s Bird Singer Thumb Drive was designed by NSRGNTS, led by Native couple Votan Ik and Leah “Povi” Lewis. Although they both come from artistic backgrounds, together they’ve developed some of the most iconic images addressing an array of topics across Indian Country.
Among their most recognized images is their collaborations on “Native Kawaii” art. These works lend a voice to native youth and children who often have very little or no representation in popular culture. These characters represent many different indigenous nations and positively portray indigenous people as a whole.
Follow them at: www.nsrgnts.com
Instagram: NSRGNTS
Facebook: NSRGNTS
Twitter: @nsrgnts