by | Jun 28, 2021 | Blog, Lewis & Clark
Restarting Tourism Marketing in Indian Country Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail Outreach Program As reservations, tribal tourism enterprises and Native-owned businesses re-open to visitor traffic, a top need identified by these businesses is how to maximize...
by | Jun 2, 2021 | Blog, Lewis & Clark, Press Release
AIANTA Launches Tourism Marketing Workshop for Tribes Along the Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail In an agreement with the National Park Service, AIANTA has launched the first in a series of free tourism marketing workshops to take place at the Wildhorse...
by | May 7, 2021 | FY2021 Webinars, Lewis & Clark
Photo Credit: Above Lewis &; Below: Nez Perce Canoe Camp, NPS Voices Along the Lewis & Clark Trail Webinar: Voices Along the Lewis & Clark Trail More than 200 years ago, Captain Merriweather Lewis and Second Lieutenant William Clark set out on a...
by | Jul 10, 2020 | Blog, Lewis & Clark
Three Strategies to Jumpstart Your Travel Marketing The world has changed, and as travel begins to re-emerge, marketing cultural tourism destinations or attractions to visitors is the next step in recovery. During the recent webinar, “Marketing Partnerships: Strategic...
by | Jun 11, 2020 | Blog, Lewis & Clark
Use Storytelling to Promote Your Destination As the world looks ahead to a post-Covid-19 world, one question on everyone’s mind is “when can I start traveling again?” Most tourism industry experts predict that travelers will start resuming vacation plans with a road...
by | Jan 21, 2020 | Blog, Lewis & Clark, Press Release
AIANTA to Highlight Tribes Along the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail In partnership with the National Park Service, the American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association will work with Tribes to develop cultural heritage content and itineraries for the...